To Install a SmartMAP Certificate on iOS (iOS Mail App)

This procedure details the steps for installing a SmartMAP certificate on an iOS device through the iOS Mail App.
  1. If necessary, navigate to the SmartMAP certificate within the iOS Mail App
  2. Tap the certificate to open it
    The device settings will open.
  3. Tap Install
    A warning message will appear. Users can ignore this message (see Note for details).
    Note: This warning message states that the profile (certificate) is unsigned. Certificates are often signed by a recognized certificate authority. In this case, APX (rather than a certificate authority) has signed the certificate it has generated.
  4. If the device has a passcode, enter the passcode
  5. Tap Install
    An iOS Action Sheet will be presented.
  6. Tap Install
  7. Enter the certificate password
    Tip: Please contact APX if you require a certificate password.
  8. Tap Next
  9. Tap Done
A SmartMAP certificate has been successfully installed on iOS through the iOS Mail App.