Creating SmartCapture Accounts
A SmartCapture account is required in order to use the application. To create SmartCapture accounts, an Organization Admin user must use the browser-based CityScape Admin application. When creating SmartCapture accounts, an Admin must generate for users an Account ID, Account Name, and Account Password. Alternatively, Admins can generate and send an activation link to an Email or Phone Number: this link can then be used by recipients to create Account Credentials, and expires after 72 hours. The message sent to recipients contains a link that directs new users to create a password for their new account. The Account ID is the Email or Phone Number to which the link was sent (unless the link is sent to an Account Receiver).
Account ID
iPads only: LTE or 3G-enabled iPads are not able to receive SMS messages. If the phone number associated with an iPad's SIM card is selected as the Account ID, use the Receiver feature to send the account info to a different phone number or email.
Account Name
An Account Name must be provided for SmartCapture accounts, and is used mainly for administrative purposes, such as organizing accounts by vehicle (e.g. Engine 1 iPad). Account Names are not used during the sign-in process.
Passwords are generated when creating SmartCapture accounts. This password must be entered during sign-in. Passwords must be at least 8 characters and contain a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. Passwords can be manually generated or auto-generated.