This procedure details the steps in SmartInspect for sending an
results email.
Note: To send an inspection results email, an inspection report has to
have first been generated. For more information, see To Generate an Inspection Report.
In the iOS Mail App, ensure that the
auto-generated inspection results email is correct
Note: The inspection report (in PDF) is attached to the email, and contains a
more detailed report of the information in the email body.
If necessary, replace the placeholder Insert Name in the
email greeting with the correct name
Note: If an occupancy contact was entered in the Contacts table of the building
information plan, this name will be auto-filled. If more than one contact is
entered in the Contacts table, the user will be asked to choose which
contact to which the email should be addressed.
If necessary, enter an email address in the To: field as
a recipient for the inspection results email
Note: If an occupancy contact was entered in the Contacts table of the building
information plan, the To: field will be auto-filled.
If more than one contact is entered in the Contacts table, the user will be
asked to choose which contact to use as the email recipient.
Tip: To send the email to additional contacts, simply enter
additional email addresses into the To: or
Cc/Bcc fields.
An inspection results email has been successfully sent. The
completed inspection will be automatically added to the SmartInspect
inspection history, and the inspection request will be removed from the user's assigned