To View a Building Information Plan (List View)

This procedure details the steps in CityScape Admin for previewing a building information plan from the List View.
  1. If necessary, navigate to CityScape Admin
  2. Select SmartCapture SmartCapture
    The List View will be presented.
    Note: By default, the List View appears when the SmartCapture tab is selected. This view will display the most recently updated 25 buildings.
  3. In the displayed building list, navigate to the desired building, using the Page Navigation buttons as required
    Tip: The search bar, located above the building list, can also be used to search for a building information plan. The building list will be filtered based on the search entry.
  4. Select either the Title or Address for the building to open a preview
A building information plan preview has been successfully accessed from the List View in CityScape Admin.