To View a SmartView Share Link Activity Report

This procedure details the steps in CityScape Admin for viewing a SmartView Share Link activity report.
  1. If necessary, navigate to CityScape Admin
  2. Select SmartView SmartView
    The SmartView Active Certificates list will appear.
  3. Select Dashboard
  4. Using the Year selector, select an activity report year
  5. Using the Month selector, select an activity report month
  6. Using the Report Period Range selector, select a range for the activity reports
    Note: If the yearly range is selected, the activity report will treat the month as January. Yearly reports are generated at the start of each year.
  7. In the displayed list of activity reports, select the date for the desired activity report
    The selected activity report will open.
    Note: Each activity report will show the number of Share Links generated during the activity period, the number of times those share links were accessed, and access details for each share link.
  8. Select the displayed date again to close the activity report
A Share Link activity report has been successfully viewed in CityScape Admin.