To Generate a New Inspection Request (New Occupancy)

This procedure details the steps in SmartInspect's Admin Portal for generating a new inspection request for a new occupancy.
Note: For generating a new inspection request for an existing occupancy, see To Generate a New Inspection Request (Existing Occupancy).
Note: Ensure that SmartInspect has been selected from the CityScape Admin portal. For more information, see To Access SmartInspect on CityScape Admin.
  1. Select Inspection Requests Inspection Requests
    A list of outstanding inspections will appear.
    Note: If a user has only the Inspector role, they will only see inspections assigned to them and unassigned inspections. Clerks and Inspector Managers will see all generated inspection requests.
  2. Select New Request
    An Inspection Request Form will appear.
  3. Enter information for the following required fields:
    • Inspection Type - Use the Drop-down List selector to select one of the available Inspection Types
    • Requested Completion Date - Use the Date Selector selector to select a completion date for the inspection
    • Inspector - Use the Drop-down List selector to select one of the available Inspectors
    • Street Number
    • Street Name
  4. If necessary, enter information for the following optional fields:
    • Building Name - Enter the name of the building for which the inspection is being generated
    • Comments - Enter any additional information about the inspection or inspection request
    • Email To - Enter the Email address to which the inspection report should be sent
    • Postal Code
  5. Select Submit Request
A new inspection request for a new occupancy has been successfully generated in SmartInspect's Admin Portal. A confirmation window will appear.