To Reset a SmartCapture Account Password

This procedure details the steps in SmartCapture for resetting an account password.
Note: The Forgot Password geature cannot be used if the device is an iPad AND the Account ID is a phone number. In this case, the password must be changed using CityScape Admin.
  1. From the SmartCapture sign-in page, use the region selector to select the appropriate region
  2. Tap Login
  3. Tap Forgot Password
  4. In the displayed text field, enter the Account's Email or phone number
  5. Tap Send
    An alert will appear.
  6. Tap OK
    An email containing a recovery code will be sent to the account email or phone number.
  7. In the Recovery Code text field, enter the received recovery code
  8. In the New Password text field, enter a new account password
    Note: Passwords must be at least 8 characters and contain three of the following: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  9. In the Re-enter Password text field, re-enter the new account password
  10. Tap Done
An account password has been successfully reset.