To Manually Sync Up an InspectionOR Sync Down the CityScape Databases
This procedure details the steps in SmartInspect for manually syncing up an inspection, syncing down the building index, the inspection request
database, or the inspection reports database.
If you already have an inspection open in the
foreground within SmartInspect, tap to return to the application map.
SmartInspect will open to the application map.
At the application map, tap
The settings menu will open.
The sync status menu will open.
For the desired inspection, check the sync status icon to
determine the sync status
Note: The sync status for a inspection will be if synced, and if unsynced. The building index database, inspection request database, and inspection reports database
will always initially display the unknown status icon.
For the desired inspection, or any of the CityScape
databases, tap the icon to sync with the CityScape server
Tip: Tap to sync up all unsynced changes, and sync down the CityScape databases.