Adding Icon Annotations
SmartCapture allows users to enhance captured images by adding icon annotations. These icons can be used to indicate an item’s location or an item of interest (e.g. hydrant, main alarm panel), and can be linked to additional information within the building information plan. When the plan is accessed using SmartView, these icons act as hyperlinks, allowing users to quickly navigate to the linked information.
Annotation Canvas
The annotation canvas
allows icons to be added/moved/deleted. It can be accessed by tapping . An icon can then be selected from the Icon List
; the selected icon will appear in the middle of the image. Selected icons
are displayed with a yellow frame around the icon. The icon can then be positioned
by tapping and dragging the icon to the desired position.
Icon List
The annotation
canvas's Icon List displays all available icons. It can be accessed by tapping
. The available icons can be viewed by swiping up and down through the list,
and icons can be selected by tapping the desired icon.
Annotation Info