Modifying Image Names and Image Ordering
Images added to a building information plan can be modified by changing their names, changing their ordering within a field, or by adding annotations. For information on adding Annotations, see Adding Icon Annotations.
Image Names
Images can be labeled to provide additional information or to facilitate image ordering. Names can be added to an image by tapping it to open the Photos Swiper View, and then adding a name to the Photo Name text field below the image.
Image Ordering
Image ordering within
an image field can be changed in SmartCapture by tapping
. If images should appear in a particular order (e.g. building sides
appearing as Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta), they can be re-arranged by tapping and
dragging the images. These changes affect how the collected information is displayed
when accessed through .

Note: Images
cannot be re-ordered within the Photos section. The ordering within this section
is determined by their order within the building information plan.