To Add an Image to a Building Information Plan (Site Plan)

This procedure details the steps in SmartCapture for adding a site plan image to a building information plan.
  1. If necessary, select the desired section from the building information plan menu
  2. In the selected section, tap the Camera Icon
    Note: If a field allows just a site plan, it will be indicated by a Site Plan icon. To add the Map option to an image field, please contact APX.
    A menu will appear.
  3. Tap Map
    A satellite view will open.
  4. Using swipe and pinch/expand gestures, pan and/or zoom the image to the desired position
    Note: By default, the satelllite view will be centered over the plan's GPS coordinates.
    Trouble: If the pin displayed in the satellite view is in the incorrect location, the plan's GPS coordinates will have to be updated. For re-positioning pins, see To Re-Position an Existing Building PlanInspection Pin.
  5. Tap Take Photo
    The satellite image will be captured, and an alert will appear.
  6. In the alert, enter a name for the image
    Note: By default, the address will be set as the name.
  7. Tap OK
A site plan image has been successfully added to a building information plan.